Destiny Children and Family Support Group having education trip to Crystal palace park farm. Thanks to all our volunteers and staffs and the support from our funders @peoples_health #activecommunity #specialneeds#inclusion #summertime #familyfun
As part of the National #volunteerweek, LWFCI-UK would like to celebrate the amazing contribution of our volunteers who give their time and skills weekly in supporting our charitable work in our communities and helping us to make impact in the lives of young people and families we work with. Thank you for your times, passion and commitment in supporting our charity. We also thank Bromley Community Links for recognising our volunteers @commlinksbrom with awards certificate at #bromleyvolawards. We are grateful to you and God bless you all.
Destiny children and Family Support Group had a great time today having swimming splash and sharing lunch together with their families. It was great to see all the children and their families together having fun in this half term, in collaboration with Winning Stars. #social #connect #shortbreak